Thursday, May 30, 2013

first friday

On our first friday in Philly we went out to the art district where we work and go to a lot of galleries starting with where Christine works.  These paintings were at LG Tripp gallery and they were my favorite out of all that were there!
Then we got to The Clay Studio and this was taken in the gallery which is the bottom floor.  

  These are some of the cool pieces we saw in the gallery at the Clay Studio that night.  Some artists used paper with their pieces or made their own shelves. 

A lot of people at school don't think of displaying pieces like that so it was really cool to see effort on that end of the pieces. 

 On of my favorite pieces of the night was this on by the visiting artist at the time.  Her name is Jae Won Chen.  I don't know the meaning behind this piece but i thought it was really cool that everything was the same but it was different on the top than on the bottom.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the studio

This is the clay studio!! This is the front room where some of the clay clubs, date nights and other workshops are held. 

This is the glaze room with the walls covered in test tiles of all the glazes they have there.  There are test tiles of every glaze combined on at least 2 different colors of clay so that people know what color their pieces will turn out. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

fishie timee

 Me and Christine in the hallway at the clay studio!!! This is what i see everyday going in to work!! :)
big fish in a little seaaa!!
 This is Dennis...aka D-Nice!  He's the boss man and I do whatever he wants me to do... in the beginning he taught me, now I teach him...jk! He's awesome at his job and keeping it cool with the amount of work he has..kinda incredible. 
First order of business was for me to get a shelf because being an intern I could take any class that they offered for free and you get a shelf with it!!! cool huh?