Monday, June 10, 2013

picture proof

HERE's All the WOrKshOP stuff ON cookIE SheEts!! labeled and ReAdy for ME to DIg iN!


                    THIS is MY SETUP!

These are pictures of my workspace most days I'm there.  I did extremely well with packing up all the workshop pieces that they wanted to keep me around.  SOOOO, during the semester I came and helped out on Fridays when I didn't have class and did another internship!  I labeled all the bags that were for pick up, packed up the pieces and put brochures, stickers and thank you cards in every bag! If it was supposed to be shipped, I made the boxes, put peanuts in them, then the pieces and more peanuts with the stickers and etc.  Then closed up the boxes, weighed them and labeled them the correct way.  I have a whole system that I got into and they even had me train new interns so there were other people that knew what to do when I finished in the beginning of this month.  

There I AM at WORK!!                                                                  AND AGAINN!!!

   JUST SoME CoOL SHotS of thE STudiO!

some of the coolest clay people and i worked with them!  That's 

GRACe and NATE!   BEing WeIRD!

                              MEET MEgHAN!!! nice GAL

THiS is JILLIANN!!! she's such a fun time!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

what a gem

What the little kids make in the workshops at the studio is amazing!!  The imaginations on them is ridiculously incredible!  Check out some of the pieces that have brightened my days there!

date night ;)

One of my favorite events that The Clay Studio holds are Date Nights.  It's such a great idea and they're really smart with how they advertise for it!  They have flyers out that say "Get Dirty" which I instagramed I love them so much!
It's definitely an event I want to go to when I have a significant other!  Maybe even show off a little!